About Squid Squad
Introducing Squid Squad, our dedicated team of Brand Ambassadors who share a deep appreciation for the Squid Industries brand and all things balisong-related.
Each member of Squid Squad brings a unique style and set of skills. They’re passionate, talented individuals who share our enthusiasm for flipping and the balisong community.
Join us in celebrating our Brand Ambassadors as they ignite inspiration and foster connections amongst the balisong community and Squid Industries fans. Explore their stories, follow their journey, and don’t forget to spread the balisong hobby with the world.
Meet squid squad
Get to know squid squad members

Age: 17
Location: Utah USA
Started Flipping: 2020
Favorite Knife: Tanto Krake Raken
Favorite Trainer: Krake Raken
Banks Tracy
How did you get into flipping?
“I got into flipping when i was gifted a cheap trainer- and i haven't stopped loving it since.”
Who are your favorite flippers?
My favorite flippers are @rylothh @keoni. @mattbabt and all the utah homies :)

Age: 21
Location: Utah USA
Started Flipping: 2017
Favorite Knife: Titanium Krake Raken
Favorite Trainer: Squiddy-AL
Max Wenham
How did you get into flipping?
“Growing up I had some family friends who owned a Benchmade 42. I saw them learning tricks on it and I thought it was really cool! I bought a CSGO trainer in 2017 but couldn't wait so I built one out of Legos!”
Who are your favorite flippers?
andrew_rowe8, seijib, james hill

Age: 19
Location: Utah USA
Started Flipping: 2020
Favorite Knife: Tanto Krake Raken
Favorite Trainer: Mako V5
Madi Thomas
How did you get into flipping?
"I got into flipping when I was recommended a kuma video starring @assassinflonne. I was immediately captivated and bought a ccc the second I finished the video."
Who are your favorite flippers?
My favorite flippers are @friedfingerz, @jooborgese, @km_kilometerzz @r3dflipper, and @seijib

Age: 21
Location: Texas USA
Started Flipping: 2016
Favorite Knife: Krake Raken
Favorite Trainer: Mako
Jackson Wood
How did you get into flipping?
"A few friends and I picked up cheap balisongs from a random knife shop and started learning"
Who are your favorite flippers?
@rylothh @seijib, James Hill, Joff

Age: 16
Location: OHIO USA
Started Flipping: 2020
Favorite Knife: Krake Raken
Favorite Trainer: Nautilus
Koen Dominguez
How did you get into flipping?
“After my trip to the Philippines, I saw my brother do a basic aerial, and I thought it was the coolest thing ever, so I wanted to learn.”
Who are your favorite flippers?
@ihatejoff, @mattbabt, @jameshill

Age: 17
Location: Hawaii USA
Started Flipping: 2019
Favorite Knife: Krake Raken
Favorite Trainer: Tsunami
Allen Grande
How did you get into flipping?
“My cousin gave me his broken ccc.”
Who are your favorite flippers?
@balis_jin, @km_kilometerzz, @jelly.flp